The Academy of Inner Science presents:

Feb 2022 — Dec 2023

Enrollment for this program is now closed.

“The Timeless Wisdom Training transforms you at the deepest layers of your being so that you can align with your purpose and be of highest service in the world.”

Thomas Hübl

A Special Invitation from Thomas Hübl

We are living at an extraordinary time on the planet. The challenges of the past year have shown how deeply interconnected we are to all of humanity and many of us feel called to a higher mission.
Each of us has an opportunity to use the challenges we face to serve our personal and collective growth and healing. We invite you to consider joining us in our next 2-year Timeless Wisdom Training (TWT) to explore that transformative path.
Timeless Wisdom Training is a community of committed practitioners coming together over a two-year period to support one another, to work on personal, group, and ancestral trauma, and to learn conscious growth tools, practices, and methods.
Trauma creates scarcity. Trauma healing creates generosity. Within the Timeless Wisdom Training we co-create a generous field from which we can be more deeply resourced.
The majority of TWT graduates credit the program as a major turning point in their own development and life. The commitment level, presence, and quality of the participants–combined with the resonant group field–create a powerful container and activator for change. The program demands a high level of commitment and that intensity opens the door for deeper breakthroughs to happen.

Over the past 14 years, more than 1,000 people have completed the Timeless Wisdom Training, the foundation program for those ready to accelerate their professional and spiritual growth. TWT is also a prerequisite for joining our Collective Trauma Facilitator Certification, a new program that will be offered following TWT.

In prior years, we offered two separate TWT programs: one based in Germany and the other in the United States. For the first time, the upcoming TWT will be a truly global program. We will still organize the program in two geographic “hubs,” but both will run simultaneously, and all participants will come together for global online retreats.

what’s inside the program:

  1. Four 7-Day In-person Residential Retreats with Thomas Hübl [28 days in retreat]
  2. Seven Immersive Online Retreats with Thomas Hübl [24 days of retreat]
  3. Ongoing Mentor Group Meetings
  4. Members-Only Online Community
  5. Private Course Portal with downloadable materials
  6. Certificate of Completion
  7. Special Bonus Trainings

Timeless Wisdom Training is open to anyone who is deeply committed to their own personal and spiritual growth. The program attracts many professional practitioners—such as therapists, coaches, consultants, educators, healthcare workers, and alternative healers—who also take what they learn and integrate it into their respective fields.

We encourage you to watch the recording of the Introductory Session, and to submit your application if you are interested in being considered for the program, as there will be a limited number of spaces available.

You can find all the details about the curriculum, dates/locations, and the application process on this page. Please also make sure you sign up to watch the free, 3-hour introductory session for more information.

We look forward to welcoming many of you into the next global Timeless Wisdom Training and thank you for being part of our community.

In appreciation,.

Thomas Hübl

Founder, The Academy of Inner Science​

P.S. The TWT is our most in-depth program and is only offered every 2-3 years. Enrollment will be limited in order to preserve the intimacy of the group.

Many of us grew up in environments that didn’t teach us about higher consciousness. We didn’t have experimental places where we could be creative, and make mistakes. The Timeless Wisdom Training is your space to do just that.”

Thomas Hübl

Creating Space for Your Conscious growth & Transformation

Timeless Wisdom Training (TWT) is a two-year process designed to help you build relational capacities and learn practical skills, methods, and frameworks that you can apply in your professional field of expertise and bring into your daily life. It is a unique opportunity to enter a safe, supportive container for deep individual and group process work and to develop new levels of competency in self- and co-regulation, trauma integration, group coherence building, and contemplative practices.

Due to the busy nature of our lives, many of us fail to set aside enough time and space for the deep study and inner work that could potentially make a difference.

Being part of TWT means that you set aside periods of time for study, group work, meditation, and implementing new practices. This can then act as a catalyst in your life to help you get unstuck, heal past wounds, and move toward greater levels of integration.

By participating in our upcoming TWT, you make a commitment to yourself and signal to the world you are ready for conscious change and transformation.

Prioritizing your own learning and growth for this concentrated time will enhance your ability to be of service to others.

What’s Inside the Curriculum

The Timeless Wisdom Training is a path of development through personal, collective, and transpersonal levels to activate your potential.

The curriculum for the 2-year training addresses all three dimensions of our being. Each level will build upon the previous one, though the material and practices within each level will be revisited throughout the training.


At the personal level, we will be doing deep individual awareness building, process and shadow work and examining the nature and effects of trauma in our lives. We will also learn a method called Transparent Communication, a way to translate deep awareness practice into daily life and to become a more grounded and embodied presence in the world.

We will also learn to accurately assess our current level of personal development, maturation and relational development, illuminating the “gaps” in our awareness and uncovering hidden trauma layers.

Some of the topics we will explore include:
  • How to understand and embody presence
  • Working with energy, space, and structure
  • Core Transparent Communication tools
  • How to be fully embodied and grounded, even when experiencing strong emotions
  • Your relationship to trauma and conditioning
  • How your family system affected your emotional and relational development
  • Mapping the key milestones in your own maturation process

We will explore the cultural dynamics in which we are embedded, including an examination of collective shadow and trauma. We will also look into and work on the integration of our own ancestral lineage and the intergenerational traumas we may be carrying.

Together we will cultivate a deeper understanding of we-consciousness and we-dynamics, learning how to make and maintain a supportive and coherent group resonance field that can accelerate healing and growth.

Some of the topics we will explore include:
  • How to create and maintain a supportive group resonance field
  • Understanding the independence of “I” and “We” when doing group process work
  • The power of witnessing others’ pain, trauma, and internal processes
  • What to do as triggers arise during group work
  • The collective shadows and trauma of the culture that you live in and how you participate in them
  • How your ancestral lineage was either embedded, disconnected, or uprooted from its place of origin, and how to recover a sense of connection and belonging
  • How unintegrated ancestral trauma affects your life today

Throughout the 2-year training, we will explore the development of transpersonal awareness through meditation and contemplation. This will include a week-long silent meditation retreat.

Through personal and group practices, you’ll learn how to create more inner space in your life and develop greater levels of embodiment and spiritual discernment.

Some of the topics we will explore include:
  • Presencing practices to create and deepen inner space
  • Developing our conscious inner navigation system that receives inner impulses with discernment
  • Understanding our subtle anatomy
  • Differentiating our own impulses from that of our parents, society, and negative thought-forms
  • Developing vertically via receptivity, emergence, and innovation
  • Training a capacity of inner connectedness to our higher potential
  • Understanding the complexity of vertical and horizontal development
  • Practicing a deeper ethical alignment
  • Studying deep mystical principles – inner science
  • Exploring states of consciousness and levels of awareness (gross, subtle, causal, non-dual)

AIS Graduate program

Primary Topics and Teachings to be Covered



Awaken your intuitive capacities and learn to work with shadow material to accelerate inner growth.



Learn skills and subtle competencies to create more space, clarity, and presence in your relationships.

The Path of

Develop transpersonal awareness and explore subtle states of consciousness via daily meditation practices.


Gain a deep understanding of the impacts of trauma in your personal history and uncover hidden trauma layers.



Develop intersubjective competencies and become more present and attuned in your interactions with others.

Presencing &

Learn to work with energy, space, and inner structure to create coherence in thinking, feeling, and sensing.


Deepen your awareness of karmic patterns and explore fundamental principles of reality and creation.


Understand the nature and effects of collective trauma and learn to create group resonance fields for healing.

The Collective Trauma Facilitator Track

For those who are interested, completing TWT is the first step towards becoming part of a global network of trained facilitators that can be actively mobilized to support people in times of crisis.

After completing TWT, established practitioners in the helping professions may apply to continue their studies with Thomas in the Collective Trauma Facilitator (CTF) training. This will be a third year of study, where practitioners will expand their skills in collective trauma integration work and group facilitation.

After the CTF training, an additional 2-year supervision phase is offered for new facilitators to apply their skills in assisting with Collective Trauma Integration Processes (CTIPs), facilitating International Labs, and other projects.

The CTF training will only be open to those who complete TWT, by application, after graduation from the program. Facilitating both small and large groups is a very advanced skill and requires mastery at many different levels. The certification program will offer close supervision and mentorship.

If you intend to pursue the Collective Trauma Facilitator certification after TWT, please indicate this in your application as some spaces will be reserved for those on a CTF track.

“The Timeless Wisdom Training is the primary container and foundation for those who want to accelerate their own personal development and for practitioners interested in eventually becoming facilitators of our more advanced work.”

Thomas Hübl

A Global program with two Groups – U.S. and Europe

When you enroll in TWT, you will choose to join either the U.S. or the European Group. 

Each Group will meet separately for in-person retreats:

  • The U.S. Group will hold its retreats in the United States, which will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it).
  • The European Group will hold its retreats in Germany, which will be conducted at times in German and at times in English, with simultaneous translation into the other language.

Attendance at the in-person retreats is required.

The two Groups will come together for online retreats, which will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish (if at least 20 participants require it) and German.

The U.S. Group intends to include those who live in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Asia.

The European Group intends to include those who live in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia.

View the full training schedule and retreat locations for the U.S. Group 

View the full training schedule and retreat locations for the European Group 

Enrollment will be limited due to venue size and because the nature of the work requires supervision and intimacy. It is anticipated that enrollment of both Groups will reach capacity. Once the program is filled, you will be able to join a waiting list in case there are cancellations.

Who Should Apply

TWT is open to anyone who is deeply committed to their own personal and spiritual growth and to being of service in the world. The program attracts many dedicated professionals such as therapists, coaches, consultants, educators, business leaders, healthcare workers, and alternative healers who also aim to apply what they learn in their respective areas of practice. 

Psychotherapists, Social Workers

Healthcare and Healing Practitioners

Business Leaders, Consultants

Educators and Coaches

Mediators and Group Facilitators

Meditation and Mindfulness Practitioners

Be Part of a Supportive Community

Because of the nature and structure of this program, it attracts those who are committed to their own personal growth and to making a difference in the world. Each program calls in a unique group of people who are drawn to support each other in their psychological, emotional, and spiritual development.

Throughout the program, both online and in person, you will have the opportunity to participate in mentor groups, live breakout sessions, and triads with other participants who are on a similar path.

You will both give and receive support and may find that lifetime friendships form that will continue after the training is complete.

The global nature of the program will foster international connections, expanding your potential for collaborative projects and initiatives worldwide. The varied cultural backgrounds among participants bring a richness to the community.

“To create a container for deep transformational work, we must commit to each other. It’s a commitment from me to you, and from you to me. In this commitment we care for each other, and we grow more and more stable in our alignment with the source of life. This nourishing environment is where healing happens.”

“It was really lovely to build connections with other people on a similar path. I felt supported by many people in the community and through triads, practice groups and study groups came to better understand how we realize our purpose in collaborative ways and grow through relationships.”

Susan G., Therapist, San Rafael, CA, USA

about Thomas Hübl

Thomas Hübl is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator whose lifelong work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science. Since the early 2000s, he has been leading large-scale events and courses that focus on the healing and integration of trauma. Participants come from around the world, ranging from members of the public to faculty and staff at Harvard Medical School.

With his wife, Yehudit Sasportas, Thomas founded a non-profit organization, The Pocket Project, that works to support the healing of collective trauma throughout the world. He is the author of Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds, which outlines a methodology called the Collective Trauma Integration Process as a safe framework for guiding groups through collective trauma.

Mentors and Assistants

Thomas will be joined by a team of mentors and teaching assistants (8-10 in each geographic Group) who will lead ongoing mentor groups and teach special topics during the training. See the individual pages for the European Group or the US Group for bios of the assistant team members.

What You’ll Receive in the Program

Four 7-Day In-Person Retreats (28 Days Total Training)

Over the 2-year program, we will come together in person for four intensive 7-day retreats with Thomas. Each retreat day typically includes teaching, Q&A, meditation, movement, and breakout sessions. Thomas will also guide individual process work with the supportive witnessing of the group.

The in-person retreats offer the opportunity to practice together in an environment free of other distractions and to make an embodied connection with Thomas and your fellow participants. A wealth of practical exploration arises directly from interactive dialogue with Thomas and within breakout discussions.

When you enroll in TWT, you will choose to join either the U.S. Group or the European Group. Each Group will meet separately for in-person retreats, and attendance at those retreats is required.

See the schedule and location for the U.S. retreats

See the schedule and location for the European retreats

Seven Online Immersive Retreats (24 Days Total Training)

In the time between our in-person retreats each year, Thomas will lead two 4-day and one 3-day online retreats. These will be focused on going deeper into related topics inside the curriculum and for other group process work. They will help you keep and maintain personal and collective momentum on your journey, as well as strengthen and expand our global container for deep study and growth.

During these online intensives, you will experience how to create, maintain and utilize group fields without being together in person. You can attend these retreats from the comfort of your home or wherever you may be. These sessions will also include breakout groups and interaction with other participants in the program. There will also be opportunities for interactive Q&A between Thomas and the participants.

Both the U.S. and European Groups attend these online retreats together, which are taught in English with simultaneous translation into German and Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it.)

Mentor Groups

Throughout the program, you will be part of a smaller group that is guided by one of Thomas’s trained assistants. Your group will meet during retreats and may also meet between sessions. The mentor group is your more intimate “home base,” where you will deepen your own processes and integration.

In these group meeting you’ll be able to ask questions, engage in a discussion of the course materials, talk with other participants in small breakout groups of 3-6 people, share your own experiences and learnings with others, and give and receive support as you go through program.

Private Course Portal for Access to Recorded Content and Course Materials

You will receive a personal login to an easy-to-use website where you can access all of the TWT course materials and download  recordings.

Members-Only Online Community

You will have access to an exclusive online community where you can stay connected with fellow TWT participants, share your experiences and insights, be inspired by the reflections of others, and initiate new connections and projects.

Certificate of Completion

Upon graduation, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Academy of Inner Science.

Special Bonuses

You will be given access to the complete Art of Transparent Communication online course (14 hours of teachings), as well as other recorded content to supplement your learning throughout the program.

Timeless Wisdom Training Program Summary

  1. Four 7-Day In-person Residential Retreats with Thomas Hübl [28 days in retreat]
  2. Seven Immersive Online Retreats with Thomas Hübl [24 days of retreat]
  3. Ongoing Mentor Group Meetings
  4. Members-Only Online Community
  5. Private Course Portal with downloadable materials
  6. Certificate of Completion
  7. Special Bonus Trainings

Tuition and costs

Full Two-Year Tuition:

$9,800 U.S.
€8.200 EU

Payment Options:

One payment of $9,400  (4% discount)
Two annual payments of $4,900
Monthly payment plan: 
– First installment $600 (deposit)
– 23 monthly payments of $410 

European GROUP
One payment of €7.872  (4% discount)
Two annual payments of €4.100
24 monthly payments:
– First installment €500
– 23 installments €340


A non-refundable deposit of $600 is due upon acceptance in order to reserve your place in the program. This deposit will be applied towards program tuition.

Application Fee:

$75  /  €62

Additional Costs:

The costs of travel, food, and lodging for the in-person retreats are additional and not included in the program tuition.

Financial Assistance:

A limited number of partial scholarships will be available for qualified applicants based on financial need.

The European Group offers a 50% scholarship for full-time students who are 25 years old or younger. Validation of full-time enrollment at a college or university is required (must be a campus-based program).

How to Apply

Both the U.S and European Groups are full and no longer accepting applications.

Step 1:

Watch the Intro Session

Before applying for the Timeless Wisdom Training we ask that you watch the recording of a free Introductory Session with Thomas to learn more about the program and to hear from graduates and mentors.

Step 2:

Submit Your Application

To begin your application for the Timeless Wisdom Training program, you will fill out and submit an application form to tell us a bit about your background and interests. An application fee of $75 / €62 will be required.

Both the U.S and European Groups are full and no longer accepting applications.

Step 3:

Schedule an Interview

Once your application has been received and reviewed, you will be asked to  schedule an online interview with a member of the TWT Assistant team.

Step 4 (optional):

Register for a 2-day introductory workshop

Those who are new to Thomas Hübl’s work, and those who would like a deeper introduction to determine whether the program is right for them, should register to attend a 2-day introductory workshops with Thomas. Two workshops will be offered:

  • Aug 28-29: online, 2 days x 5 hours per day
  • Oct 9-10: online, 2 days x 5 hours per day
  • Workshop fee: $175 / €145


Sign up to watch the intro and you’ll receive details about how to register for the Introductory workshop.

Applicants will be notified of their acceptance on a rolling basis.

Step 4:

Enroll in the Program

Upon your acceptance into the Timeless Wisdom Training, you will formally enroll in TWT by signing a Participation Agreement  and making a tuition deposit to hold your place in the program.

Here is What Participants are Saying

“The therapeutic and the spiritual practices are different, but in this training they support each other – I’ve never seen this kind of integration anywhere else.”

— Shayla W., Coach, Mentor, Writer and Facilitator, Vancouver, Canada

“Studying with Thomas has really magnified every part of the way that I work with people. It’s helped me to be a living, relational intelligence with people’s healing process or growth process.”

— Ryan M., Osteopath and Somatic Coach, Davis, CA, USA

“When I am with my clients, I can tune deeper into myself as I’m talking to them and I can feel more their experiences in my own body. So my body has become more of an ally for me to support others.”

— Laura C., Psychotherapist,
Mexico City, Mexico

“In Timeless Wisdom Training, people open up and show up in a vulnerable and coherent way that is unique and healing.”

— Dr. Jens R., Executive Coach, Therapist and Facilitator, Grünwald, Germany

“This container of the Timeless Wisdom Training provides the playground that we need to be able to exercise these competencies…”

— Odile G., Coach and Artist, New Orleans, LA, USA

“No matter what life brings to me, I have the strength and the courage to face it.”

— Daciana I., Physician, Santa Rosa, California, USA

“…sharing, practicing, and meditating together, I have learned what it truly means to listen and see with the whole body…” 

— Amela T., Integral Psychotherapist, Copenhagen, Denmark

“I’m able to use these principles to be a better coach to leaders and top CEOs so they can be better leaders and implement positive changes in this world.”
— Mark T., Leadership Development Executive Coach, New York, NY, USA
“TWT started one of the most exciting journeys of my life. I have gained a much more comprehensive and clear understanding of my life and am able to include this in my contribution to the marketplace through innovation and leadership. Thomas' teachings, regular meditation, and exchanges with other students have also strengthened my intuition and made me a keen explorer of the dynamics of metaphysics and creation. I highly recommend it.”
— Dr. Joana B., Co-Founder of, Berlin, Germany
“I joined TWT during a time when I was looking for answers. I have been on a spiritual path all my life and taken many courses, and TWT helped me fill in the missing pieces, bring it all cohesively together, and go to a whole new level of spiritual development. I learned how to slow down time, see where my pain comes from, and make choices. I am now happy, and I know I can handle what life brings me. I have awareness about my contributions to each situation.”
— Daciana I., Physician, Santa Rosa, CA, USA
"There has been a sharpened focus. I feel like I have a new set of precise tools to go within and connect more deeply with what’s happening in individuals, and then of course being able to give them a clearer answer about what’s going on, because I see it more clearly."
— Gary J., Body-Mind Awareness Trainer, Berlin, Germany
“I followed an inner “Yes” to join TWT, and it was one of those few choices that fundamentally shifted the flow of my life in a more aligned way. I became more of who I am, and shifted into feeling on purpose. It showed me what true giving with love can feel like. During the online retreats, I found integration within the rhythm of my daily life, and the in-person retreats offered a deeper dive and friendships.”
— Johanne L., Consultant and Executive Coach, Alberta, Canada
“TWT provided a container of support during a very fragile and transitional time in my life. I made lifelong friends and connections in the community. The online retreats saved travel and accommodation expenses, while the in-person retreats offered a beautiful venue and integration of past experience with present reality.”
— Linda W., Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Midcoast, Maine, USA
“TWT brought me home to an expanding Kaleidoscope that is ever revealing new and uncharted aspects of myself; ever allowing my yearnings to be the ‘call’ that beckons me forward; ever enabling me to more consciously ‘be with’ that which unfolds as my life; and ever expanding my capacity to include what arises no matter what it demands of me. I learned how to honor and celebrate that which meets me in every moment on my path; how to wail and sing at the same time; how to find my way back to life and with that, I have begun to live for the very first time.”
— Nancy G., Psychotherapist, Valley Glen, CA, USA
“TWT changed all aspects of my life. I joined to heal transgenerational and collective trauma energies I carry, both for myself and to avoid passing on more than necessary to my children and grandchildren. I found more peace in myself, I am more productive and successful, and I live my life's purpose more than ever before. The most valuable learning was that trauma healing needs relationship / community. This understanding changed the way I deal with triggers, problems, and conflicts. The most beneficial changes happened in the relationship with my wife. We are happy in a way we never were before, we have skills to deal with triggers and conflict so that these things are not feared anymore but welcomed.”
— Roland G., MD and Homeopath, Royston, BC, Canada
“I was drawn to TWT by a longing to live in the present. The program was a journey into the knowledge of self, ancestors, and community - whenever l had doubt or felt overwhelmed the mentors were there to help me. I can now approach life with an awareness of my body, thoughts, and emotions. I know what it is to be, to belong, and to become and l am observing how they are moving in my life.”
— Patricia H., Body Therapist, Social Anthropologist, Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca Mexico
“TWT gifted me with an extraordinary sense of intimate community, becoming trauma-informed both personally and collectively, emotional embodiment, a felt sense of the ancestral dimension in life, and a more loving and open heart. I came more into alignment with my core values. I made new dear friends and now have a community of beloveds across the globe, having opened my heart beyond initial judgments, honoring everyone's journey with love and compassion.”
— Robin C., Nurse-Midwife, Sebastopol, CA, USA
“I don't know where else I would learn these capacities. It's so unique. And it's so essential. Meeting in triads to practice holding space, deep listening, and really tuning into people helped me develop a lot of skill in discerning a felt sense within my own relationships, but especially with clients. Thomas is such an authentic teacher that to be in an online retreat, I really feel that I am there not only with Thomas, but with everyone else.”
— Elaine M., Psychotherapist, Montana, USA
"TWT gifted me with greater confidence in my purpose and a deepening of my work identity, for which I’m now doing a PhD. In both the online and in-person retreats, I learned a lot from watching how Thomas "engaged without enrolling” in the steady stream of trauma questions coming his way."
— Laura M., Group Inner Constellation and Sound Facilitator, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
“This cycle of retreats is more than a course. It’s a transformative experience that leaves us more awake in meditation and more present in life. The way Thomas interacts with groups brings our hidden or neglected inner states into relation, with ourselves and with others, and it gently yet powerfully exposes our potential for personal growth. This work enables us as individuals to grow in our daily lives and become more responsible and aware citizens of the world.”
— Stefan H., Professor of Strategy, Cass Business School, London, England
“If you want a day at the beach, don't do this program, go to Tahiti. If you want to power wash out some deeply embedded crud and karma, in a safe way, do TWT. It is a blessing and a boost unlike any other. The high resolution of Thomas's energy, his team, and the group field function synergistically to reveal and heal one's most hidden places. To become aware of, to integrate personal and collective trauma is like winning the karmic healing lottery! I was able to meet the most difficult times in my life thanks to the energetic field and practice of being in the TWT.”
— Myrissa L., Musician, Educator, Healer, Oakland, CA USA
“TWT as a whole was a reorganization of my inner mental, physical, emotional, and energetic landscape in a very profound way. It confronted me with my deepest wounds and supported me to deepen the connection with my soul and the light as a resource of life force and healing. Individual and collective trauma structures were seen, explored, and moved in a very safe, loving, and professional container. The community itself as a healing field of connection, the assistant team, and the teachings of Thomas have been amazing gifts on this transformative journey.”
— Heike W., Schloss Glarisegg, Switzerland
“TWT changed everything about how I live. Its been an intensely restorative journey - I healed past traumas that I never thought would be integrated. Nothing is more important than how it’s changed the way I relate to my young and adult children. I began truly living in the present rather than the past and the future. It was the most important thing I've ever done in my life. It’s an integral system, offering maps of meaning, of what it means to be human.”
— Ninotchka V., Healing Arts Practitioner and Stay-at-Home Mother, San Rafael CA, USA
“Not a day goes by when I don’t remember the training that I have had, and continue to have with Thomas. It is now so much part of my life and being, that it’s difficult to remember how I was before it! I have been on many trainings but none as innovative, provoking, and transformational as TWT, it bought me to my edges, supported and challenged me, and literally changed me forever and now heavily influences my work, relationships, and spiritual practice. It also introduced me to a community of fellow dedicated practitioners and a teacher that I will no doubt have for life, for which I am deeply grateful.”
— Bee J., Coach, Facilitator and Somatic Practitioner, Tisbury, England
“I dared not to raise my hand when I began the TWT. A symptom indicating the existence of trauma for me was in my muteness. Thomas’ loving guidance and the safe container created by the sangha allowed me to heal and integrate many layers of trauma. Innovative manifestations that were not available before, became new avenues of authentic expression and on the last week of TWT I published a book! I am still amazed by how much creative energy was released in my system. TWT is a deep transformation journey that creates room for digesting our pain and inviting the light of inspiration to fill and pour through us.”
— Stephanie P., Author, Coach, Educator, Bogotá, Colombia
“I was ready for a more whole life, and joined TWT after seeing Thomas’ graduates leading a retreat and walking in the world in a way that I wanted to, also. To say that TWT is life-changing is an understatement; it is life-transforming. Through this work, I discovered healing beyond my imagination. Working with and learning from Thomas has released so much of that suffering, allowing me to love more wisely, relate less defendedly, and rest more fully. He is simultaneously the most precise and gentle embodiment teacher I've ever met. Furthermore, he surrounds himself with a very talented team of assistants, and attracts a wonderful and diverse community, so there is deep support in the field.”
— Farshid F., Integrative Child Psychiatrist, San Francisco, CA, USA
“I was motivated to join TWT upon realizing that a spiritual journey of over 40 years had not been enough to support my living circumstances. The training filled gaps of inquiry in reference to life itself. Many answers came forth to bring light in the midst of much darkness (ignorance). The online retreats offered lower costs, and it was easier from the comfort of home. The community allowed me to meet like-minded hearts with whom I will be intertwined for life.”
— Barbara V., Fine Art Photographer, Pompano Beach, FL, USA

Praise for Thomas Hübl

“Thomas Hübl’s exploration of collective trauma strikes at a core issue confronting our modern civilization.”
— Gabor Maté, Author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction
“Thomas Hübl offers a wise and textured understanding of the tapestry of collective trauma and how attending to cultural and historical threads heals the very foundation of humanity.”
— Ruth King, author of Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out and founder of the Mindful of Race Institute
"Thomas Hübl identifies the most pressing challenge to humanity. If we can heal these wounds, we will have the opportunity to experience the benefits of becoming a truly connected species and sharing the generative and expansive products of feeling safe and trusting others.”
— Stephen W. Porges Distinguished University Scientist, Traumatic Stress Research Consortium Founding Director, Professor of Psychiatry
“I have found Thomas Hübl’s work with collective healing to be tremendously innovative and eye-opening. This type of engagement with what appears to be 'other' is what we need, in my opinion, to learn what it truly means to take multiple perspectives and live in an open-hearted way.”
— Tami Simon, Founder and Publisher, Sounds True
“Thomas Hübl has a unique ability to uncover the underlying dynamics of individual and collective trauma that block the resolution of conflicts. With compassion and insight, Thomas helps people heal their deepest wounds and access their highest potential to be of service in this troubled world.”
— William Ury, Author, Getting to Yes with Yourself
“Thomas is a transformative teacher whose presence, skill and love awaken and empower the natural healer in us all and as a collective. His work is on the leading edge of evolution of the practical application of the science and wisdom for healing trauma to create a connected and sustainable world."
— Christina Bethell, PhD, Professor, Johns Hopkins University
“Thomas is a teacher in full. He embodies a vivid, piercing, utterly contemporary intelligence with the depth of ancient learning. A modern mystic, a profound heart, and a depth of compassion that bids his listener's own hearts to open. Gentle, searching, and true - his leadership evokes at once a sense of loving connection and a thrilling  invitation to expand."
— Terry Real, Founder: Relational Life Institute, Author, I Don't Want To Talk About It, and The New Rules of Marriage

Frequently Asked Questions

When you enroll in TWT, you will choose to join either the U.S. or the European Group.

Each Group will meet separately for two in-person retreats each year:

  • The U.S. Group will hold its retreats in the United States, which will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it.)
  • The European Group will hold its retreats in Germany, which will be conducted at times in German and at times in English, with simultaneous translation into the other language.

Attendance at the in-person retreats is required. 

The two Groups will come together for online retreats, which will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into German and Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it.)

See the full schedule and retreat location for the U.S. Group

See the full schedule and retreat location for the European Group

Note: If any of these retreats cannot be held in person due to events beyond our control such as Covid-19 and other related pandemics, natural disasters, government restrictions, criminal or terrorist acts, etc., then the retreat will instead be held online.

Over the 2-year program, we will come together in person for four intensive 7-day retreats with Thomas. Each retreat day typically includes teaching, Q&A, meditation, movement, breakout sessions, and triad work. Thomas will also guide individual process work with the supportive witnessing of the group.

The in-person retreats offer the opportunity to practice together in an environment free of other distractions and to make an embodied connection with Thomas and your fellow participants. A wealth of practical exploration arises directly from interactive dialogue with Thomas and within breakout discussions.

Each day usually begins at 7am and ends around 9:30pm, and includes regular breaks and meal times.

Each year, Thomas will lead two 4-day and one 3-day online retreat, which both Groups will attend. These will be focused on going deeper into related topics inside the curriculum and for other group process work. They will help you keep and maintain personal and collective momentum on your journey, as well as strengthen and expand our global container for deep study and growth. 

During these online intensives, you will experience how to create, maintain and utilize group fields without being together in person. You can attend these retreats from the comfort of your home or wherever you may be. These sessions will include breakout groups and interaction with other participants in the program. There will also be opportunities for interactive Q&A between Thomas and the participants.

Thomas’ teaching during the online retreats will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into German and Spanish. (Note: Spanish translation will only be provided if at least 20 participants require it.)

There will also be parts of the day where students gather in mentor and breakout sessions which are organized by language.

Throughout the program, you will be part of a smaller mentor group that is guided by one of Thomas’s trained assistants. Your group will meet during retreats and may also meet between sessions, approximately once per month. The mentor group is your more intimate “home base,” where you will deepen your own processes and integration.

In these meetings you’ll be able to ask questions, engage in a discussion of the course materials, talk with other participants in small breakout groups of 3-6 people, share your own experiences and learnings with others, and give and receive support as you go through the program. Students are also expected to meditate daily.

Where available, some students also participate in local in-person practice groups. Many TWT students also enroll in Thomas’s online classes to deepen their learning and their connection to the wider global sangha.

No. Students must commit to attending all days of every retreat. If there is an emergency or an extremely important personal or professional conflict, students may request permission to miss a maximum of two and a half days per year.

If a student is unable to travel to one of the in-person retreats due to extreme events beyond their control such as Covid-19 and other related pandemics, natural disasters, government travel restrictions, criminal or terrorist acts, etc., then accommodations will be made for the student to attend the retreat via internet connection.

Before applying for the Timeless Wisdom Training we ask that you either attend the free online Introductory Session with Thomas or watch the recording.

Those who are new to Thomas Hübl’s work, and those who would like a deeper introduction to determine whether the program is right for them, should register to attend a 2-day introductory workshop with Thomas. Two workshops will be offered:

  • Aug 28-29: online, 2 days x 5 hours per day
  • Oct 9-10: online, 2 days x 5 hours per day
  • Workshop fee: $175 / €145
  • Registration for workshops will open in mid-July

To begin your application for the Timeless Wisdom Training program, you will fill out and submit an application form to tell us a bit about your background and interests. An application fee of $75 / €62 will be required. Applications will be accepted starting June 27.

Once your application has been received and reviewed, you will be asked to schedule an online interview with a member of the TWT Assistant team.

The application and interview process are designed to clarify whether the program is a good fit for the applicant at this time in their life’s journey. Given the level of commitment required, it is important that the student’s life circumstances will allow them to fully participate and benefit from the program.

We expect that most applications will be reviewed and interviews completed within 6-8 weeks of submission. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis until the program is full. The U.S. and European Group will each accept around 200 participants.

Tuition information and payment options can be found above. In addition, students must pay for their own food and lodging at the retreat center as well as any travel expenses for the in-person retreats.

All students are required to stay at the retreat center for the in-person retreats, even if they happen to live nearby. This is a very important aspect of building the energetic field throughout the retreat.

When calculating your cost, it is important to also consider the time commitment needed to attend retreats, and how that may affect your income.

A limited number of partial scholarships will be available for qualified applicants based on financial need, to cover tuition expenses only.

When submitting your application for the TWT program, you will be able to indicate whether you would like to apply financial assistance. If so, you will be contacted by a member of our team and be offered the opportunity to submit a scholarship application.

The EU cohort offers a special 50% scholarship for full-time students who are 25 years or younger. Validation of full-time enrollment at a college or university is required (must be a campus-based program).

There are limited spaces in the TWT program, and once it begins, no new students are allowed to join. The closed nature of the TWT allows participants to develop a deep trust and a safe container together. The program demands a high level of commitment and that intensity opens the door for deeper breakthroughs to happen.

It is important for students to be fully committed to the entire program and to plan ahead to make space and time for it during the two-year period. That said, Thomas recognizes that abrupt, significant life changes can occur, and the team works with any student in such a situation to make the best decision under the new circumstances.

After graduation from TWT, students may continue in an ongoing alumni group (Core Group), or take more advanced programs with Thomas, such as the Collective Trauma Facilitator training. Some may qualify to enter an Assistant training program.

Upon completing TWT, established practitioners in the helping professions may apply to continue their studies with Thomas in the Collective Trauma Facilitator (CTF) training. This will be a third year of study, where practitioners will expand their skills in collective trauma integration work and group facilitation.

After the CTF training, an additional 2-year supervision phase is offered for new facilitators to apply their skills in assisting with Collective Trauma Integration Processes (CTIPs), facilitating International Labs, and other projects.
The CTF training will only be open to those who complete TWT, by application, after graduation from the program. Facilitating both small and large groups is a very advanced skill and requires mastery at many different levels. The certification program will offer close supervision and mentorship.

If you intend to pursue the Collective Trauma Facilitator certification after TWT, please indicate this in your application as some spaces will be reserved for those on a CTF track.

We recommend you attend or watch the recording of the Introductory Session, which will provide an overview of the curriculum and program format. You’ll also hear from mentors and former students and have an opportunity to ask questions.

You are also invited to attend a live Q&A session held in July, 2021. Dates and times for those sessions will be posted soon.

You may also Contact Us via the online form.

Join Us for this Special Free Introductory Session:

The Path of Deep Transformation

3-hour Introductory Video
with Thomas Hübl & TWT Assistants

Apply NOW

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